Charles Meyer-Hilfiger

Last update: December 2024.

About Me

Since november 2021, I have been a PhD student in Post-Quantum cryptanalysis in the COSMIQ team at Inria Paris under the supervision of Nicolas Sendrier and Jean-Pierre Tillich.
During my PhD I mainly worked on the design and analysis of new dual attacks, mostly in the code-based setting but also in lattices, I am also starting to get into quantum computing.

I am looking for a postdoctoral position related to lattices or codes, ideally starting early March 2025.

You can contact me at: myfirstname[dot]meyer-hilfiger[at]


My dblp page [].


I was a subreviewer for the following conferences/journals:


I had a tutorial contract (mission d’enseignement) with Sorbonne-University for 192 hours over 3 years (2021-2024).